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National Wild & Scenic Rivers

The following is a list of National Wild & Scenic Rivers and their state. The list is current as of January 2006.

National River: There are several variations to this category including national river and recreation area, national scenic river, wild river, etc. The first was authorized in 1964 and others were established following passage of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968.

National Wild & Scenic Rivers State
Alagnak Wild River Alaska
Bluestone National Scenic River West Virginia
Delaware National Scenic River PA-NJ-NY
Great Egg Harbor National Scenic & Recreation River NJ
Missouri National Recreational River NE-SD
Niobrara National Scenic River NE-SD
Obed Wild & Scenic River Tennessee
Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River Texas
Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway Minn-Wisc
Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River NY-PA

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