Southeastern Outdoors Backpacking in the Brooks Range
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National Preserves

The following is a list of the different National Preserves and their state. The list is current as of 2005.

National preserves are areas having characteristics associated with national parks, but in which Congress has permitted continued public hunting, trapping, oil/gas exploration and extraction. Many existing national preserves, without sport hunting, would qualify for national park designation.

National Preserves State
Aniakchak Alaska
Bering Land Bridge Alaska
Big Cypress Florida
Big Thicket Texas
Craters of the Moon Idaho
Denali Alaska
Gates Of the Artic Alaska
Glacier Bay Alaska
Great Sand Dunes Colorado
Katmai Alaska
Lake Clark Alaska
Little River Canyon Alabama
Mojave California
Noatak Alaska
Tall Grass Prairie Kansas
Timucuan Ecological and Historic Florida
Wrangell-St. Elias Alaska
Yukon-Charley Rivers Alaska
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