- Edward Jarrish - Deputy Game Warden with the Pend
Oreille County Game Commission was shot and killed after
confronting two juvenile poachers who were hunting deer. February
17, 1926
- Herbert W. (Bert) Minnick - Spokane County Game
Commission. Warden Minnick was accidentally shot and killed at
Bell station, near Rockford, while checking a pheasant hunter for
a license. The man cradled his 12-gauge shotgun in his arms and as
he reached into his pocket to get the license the shotgun
discharged, striking Warden Minnick in the stomach. October 19,
- Frank Liedloff - Inspector with the Washington
Department of Fisheries drowned in the Snohomish River while he
and another inspector were searching for illegal gill nets.
September 21, 1936
- Sherman J. Handron - game warden was shot 12 times
while attempting to arrest a suspect for transporting illegal elk
meat. August 29, 1943
- Terry L. Hoffer - wildlife agent with the Washington
Department of Wildlife was shot by a road hunter trying to unload
his gun to avoid a being caught with a loaded weapon. November 10,